As we’ve worked away on the space this last month in readiness for a November launch, we’ve sensed a softening of our surrounds. Though being nestled between the neo-gothic architecture of St Paul’s Cathedral and the Chapter House is nothing to complain about, there is an awful lot of sandstone and little else to break it up.

Now, as our walls shine white and the floorboards reflect the light there is a warmth we hope we’ve brought to the area.

Being around the space has been great, to meet the many, many people who cut through the lane day to day. They stop now, chat, intrigued. They give advice, exclamation, creative input and encouragement. There’s a great community of people in Chapter House Lane. Joggers, students, smokers, suits, robed men, musicians, ladies – so many ladies, the friendly staff of the Lazarus drop-in centre and the people they help out each week. This is for all of them.