For the third instalment of around the grounds: it’s that time of year again. In the frosted, wind-stricken heart of Melbourne winter, we are coaxed out of our dens to scurry around, wrapped up in as many layers as possible, to see art. Everyone is encouraged to explore the nooks and windows of the city, which is right up our alley, so to speak.

Tomorrow, Nite art will be upon us. Chapter House Lane will be presenting Emily Ferretti’s ‘One To Another’ to the nocturnally-inclined. Other things to keep track of include the Gertrude Street Projection Festival, which started Friday 18th of July and is on until Sunday July 27, along with Open House Melbourne from July 26 – 27. Far too many things to do and see, but we must try!

In case you were wondering, (or wandering, as it were) what our previous exhibitors have been doing, here is some news:

To begin with a look back on the year so far, we’re proud of our June exhibitor, Queensland-based Archer Davies (CHL #29), who was a finalist in “the churchie” national emerging art prize.

In sculptural and audio worlds, Lani Seligman (CHL #10) presents ‘Long Wires’, which asks how the body might bear history, as a force and inventory, and the ways it may find form in artworks, at the Margaret Lawrence Gallery, on until this Saturday 26th July.

Congratulations are in order to Justin Lee Williams’ (CHL #1), whose active imagination has earned him not only a show, ‘Viridian’, but representation at Anna Pappas gallery. Better scoot over to see this one before it closes on Saturday, July 26.

Over in our sister city, Riley Payne (CHL #27) has an upcoming residency at Artspace Sydney, we look forward to hearing about how he fares over there.