When Chapter House Lane opens, it will have been a collective effort from a widespread and disparate bunch. We will surely have many to thank. Though geographically confined to a window space in a lane off a lane, the reach of this project has been huge, what with the internet, and its clever accoutrements… Using a combination of Pozible and Facebook, and a little old-school email, creatively inclined people from places like Houston, London, Sydney, Brisbane and the Central Coast have helped us raise funds for the extreme make-over that is underway.

On a Sunday morning in October, slotted between Spring showers, we shot a short film for our Pozible project profile. We wanted to show people the space, give them a feel for where it all began and what it was we were going to do. Combined with great incentives from local businesses Ezard, Alpha60 and Peter Rowland, we hoped people would be encouraged to support us and donate to the project. And donate they did. Thanks to 64 donors we reached our target, covering those tricky start up costs we couldn’t offset with endless sweat, tears and lateral thinking.