Gonzalo Ceballos is a Melbourne based artist working in drawing, painting, sculpture and installation. Chapter House Lane is pleased to present Ceballos’ latest body of work for his solo exhibition ‘Distant Relatives’.
Ceballos’ honest and immediate work is made at a furious pace in his home-based studio, around his two young sons, his wife and his late night job as a security guard.
The work in Distant Relatives speaks to the energy and compulsion that drives Ceballos’ practice. He makes rapid gestures with precision, and the constellation of work that he produces butts up against ideas of authenticity, prestige and the myth of the genius that circulates in the arts.
Ceballos’ own grand personal narrative that comes out in his work has a gravitational pull for the viewer – a sincerity and emotional charge comes through as he attempts to process the life of the artist and the compulsion to make work. He sets out to do a drawing a day, but usually does around three.
Distant Relatives will feature work that Ceballos has made over the past year. The mountain of drawings, paintings and sculptures that have accumulated in his house will take over the window spaces of Chapter House Lane, including some collaborative pieces that he has made with his two sons.
We welcome you to join us for the opening with a musical performance by maraon Thursday 6 July from 6-8pm.
About the artist:
Gonzalo Ceballos arrived in Melbourne at the age of four. His family fled the Pinochet regime in Chile and he grew up in the commission housing community of inner-city Melbourne. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting from the Victorian College of the Arts, and has previously exhibited at The Food Court, Blak Dot Gallery, c3 Contemporary Art Space, Seventh Gallery, a laundromat and a public toilet.